Product Description
C3-Dpl is normal human serum in which C3 has been removed by immunoaffinity chromatography.The product is tested for the absence of C3 activity byclassical and alternative pathway functional assays and for C3 protein by double immunodiffusion.C3-Dpl is certified to possess a functional alternative pathway for complement activation after reconstitution with 1.3 mg C3/mL (Morgan, B.P. (2000); Dodds, A.W. and Sim, R.B. (1997)).Similarly, a functional classical pathway can be reconstituted by addition of purified C3 protein (1.3 mg/mL) indicating that all other complement components necessary for classical and alternative pathway activation are present.Although a functional lectin pathway should also be reconstituted by the addition of C3, the function of this pathway is not tested.
Note that there is a weak C3 by-pass mechanism whereby the convertase C4b,C2a is able to activate C5 (Rawal, N. & Pangburn, M.K. 2003) and form C5b-9 complexes capable of causing low grade lysis.This system of C5 activation is functional in both the classical and the lectin pathways and is approximately 1000-fold less active than in the presence of C3.
C3-Dpl serum does not contain C3-derived antigens because it has been depleted by immunoaffinity adsorption of C3.
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