Product Description
Cynomolgusmonkey C3b (cyno C3b) is derived from native purified cynomolgus monkeyC3 (cyno C3, CompTech #CY113) upon cleavage and release of C3a with thealternative pathway C3 convertase. C3b is central to the function ofall three pathways of complement (Law, S.K.A. and Reid, K.B.M. (1995)).Initiation of each pathway generates proteolytic enzyme complexes (C3convertases) which are bound to the target surface. These enzymes cleavea peptide bond in C3 releasing the anaphylatoxin C3a and activatingC3b. For a brief time (~60 µs) this nascent C3b is capable of reactingwith and covalently coupling to hydroxyl groups on the target surface.Carbohydrates are the favored target, but protein hydroxyls and aminogroups also react. This process of tagging the target surface with C3bis called opsonization. The reactive site in nascent C3b is a thioester(Tack B.J., et al. (1980); Pangburn M.K. and MüllerEberhard H.J. (1980))and C3b is linked to the target through a covalent ester bond (an amidebond is formed if C3b is attached to amino groups). Most of the C3activated during complement activation never attaches to the surfacebecause its thioester reacts with water forming fluid phase C3b which israpidly inactivated by factors H and I forming iC3b. Surface-bound C3bis necessary in all three pathways for efficient activation of C5 andformation of C5b-9 complexes that lyse the target cell membrane.Surface-bound C3b and its breakdown products iC3b and C3d are recognizedby numerous receptors on lymphoid and phagocytic cells which use theC3b ligand to stimulate antigen presentation to cells of the adaptiveimmune system. The end result is an expansion of target-specific B-celland T-cell populations.
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